It’s time to mow your lawn – but you’re not sure whether it will rain or not? Maybe you’re trying to figure out whether to wait or risk it and mow the grass in a hurry. The truth is, you shouldn’t mow wet grass, you should wait.

When you mow wet grass, all sorts of terrible things could happen, you could end up with an uneven lawn, you may suffocate grass roots, it could leave your grass susceptible to disease, and even dull the blades of your lawn mower.

That’s right: when you mow wet grass, nearly everything goes wrong.

In this article, we’ll explain what happens when you mow wet grass and how to deal with rainy days and a tall lawn.

Is it bad to mow wet grass?

It’s a terrible idea to use your lawn mower when the grass is wet. You will face two kinds of consequences when you do so. First, you will hurt your lawn. Second, you will dull your lawn mower blades.

When you mow wet grass, you:

  • End up with uneven grass all around your yard
  • Suffocate grassroots, creating short-term problems
  • Increase the risk of fungal disease, creating long-term problems
  • Dull your blades (and possibly wreck your lawn mower)

As you can see, mowing your lawn in a rush is not the best idea. Unfortunately, there may come a time when you must deal with wet grass, and we’ll talk about that down below.

How does wet grass dull lawn mower blades?

Your lawn mower blades don’t work how they’re supposed to when you cut wet grass. Manufacturers design these blades to cut grass leaves in one swift motion. Unfortunately, the blades can’t do that when the lawn is wet.

Since the grass is heavier than usual (because of the water weight), your lawn mower blades won’t have the strength to lift and cut every blade of grass. Instead, they will cut half of your lawn right, leaving the other half uneven.

At the same time, when blades hit wet grass (instead of ripping through it), they will become dull. The more you use a dull blade, the duller it comes, so it can only get worse from there.

Is it better to mow your lawn before or after rain?

It’s always better to mow your lawn before it rains. If you must do so after it rains, make sure you wait for a long time. That way, you will know for sure that the grass is dry.

Otherwise, you will have a hard time mowing your lawn – and may ruin your lawn mower in the process.

What should you do if you feel it’s about to rain? That’s a tricky one! We recommend waiting it out. Otherwise, you may end up in the middle of mowing your lawn right when it starts to rain.

Everyone will get wet: the grass, the lawn mower, and you. It’s pretty much a worst-case scenario.

At the same time, we know you’ll try to mow your lawn in a rush if dark clouds start to form. It may be possible for you to beat the weather if you have a small yard, but it is better to wait if you have a larger property. It’s better to go back inside, brew coffee, and wait until the grass is dry.

How long should I wait to mow the grass after it rains?

That depends! Are you waiting for the grass to dry after a light rain or a thunderstorm? Wait for four or five hours after a light storm if the sun pops back out. For heavier stuff, like a thunderstorm or several days’ worth of rain, wait for a day or two after the rain stops before you get the lawn mower.

Keep in mind these estimates are not exact numbers. You shouldn’t wait five hours on the dot before you cut grass. You can start earlier if you know the grass is dry – or may have to wait for longer if it hasn’t dried yet.

When is the best time to mow the lawn?

Wait for mild temperatures to mow your lawn. For example, if you’re in the middle of summer and it gets scorching hot at noon, you should use your lawn mower in the morning or at dusk. On the other hand, if things are too cold early on, you should wait and bring out your lawn mower in the afternoon.

There are no hours set in stone when it comes to mowing your lawn. You need to figure out two things: first, when’s the best time for your lawn; second, when’s the best time for you. That’s right! Your preferences matter.

Since mowing your lawn requires time and technique, you may as well do it when you’re in a good mood. It doesn’t feel good to take the time to mow your lawn when you don’t feel like it, only to witness the terrible results of your rush job. You’ll feel ten times worse then.

It goes without saying you should avoid mowing your lawn around rain, right?

What if I have no other choice but to mow wet grass?

Sometimes, you will have to deal with wet grass no matter what. In certain parts of the country, there are times when you have to deal with non-stop rain for months on end. Remember to sharpen your blades and raise the mower deck before mowing. Clean the underside of the mower after finishing.

Having to cut wet grass with your lawn mower is not a doomsday scenario, and you can deal with it and come out on top if you must. You will have to take extra prep time and do a more thorough clean-up after.

Simply put, avoid mowing wet grass if possible, and prepare yourself for a long task if necessary.


If you’re thinking about using your lawn mower right after it rained, don’t. You will set yourself up for failure and will damage your lawn and lawn mower in the process. The best thing you can do is wait until it stops raining and the grass dries. Wait for a few days if you can and then enjoy mowing your lawn the way you’re supposed to, during a beautiful day under the warm sun.